Guess who?
I was taken by the opening paragraph of this column from a New Mexico newspaper because I’ve used almost exactly the same words to describe
I was taken by the opening paragraph of this column from a New Mexico newspaper because I’ve used almost exactly the same words to describe
Which I guess is a good thing. The Living Church has the story. Father Jake points out that Bishop Epting has a brand new blog.
The Diocese of Pittsburgh has posted the text of its request to the erroneously named Global South Primates for Alternative Pastoral Oversight (ALPO). The request
The Washington Post has a story suggesting the diocese may–just may–be on firmer legal ground in that state than the breakaway parishes. The key paragraphs:
ENS is reporting that Archbishop Dirokpa Fidèle, Primate of the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo (Anglican Church of Congo), just completed a visit to
The writings of Bishop Mdimi Mhogolo of Central Tanganyika in Tanzania has graced the blog twice previously. To read his most recent letter, click the