Day: May 13, 2007

Worksheet for Draft Covenant Study Guide

Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh have posted a worksheet as an aid to any Episcopalians who are planning on responding to the study guide of the proposed Anglican Covenant. The deadline for responses to be submitted is June 4th.

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1944: The first female Anglican priest

Perhaps this centenary year of Li Tim-Oi’s birth is a good time for the Anglican communion to speak out with one voice against traditions and practices that harm and discriminate against women and to affirm the ministry of women to all orders: deacon, priest and bishop. The greatest tribute we could pay to Florence Li Tim-Oi – and Florence Nightingale – is for our church to accept that God calls women just as God calls men.

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I feel so betrayed

“But I feel so betrayed” choked out, as Frank told me of the admiration and faith he had felt for his priest and rector, Jess, and the sense of loss from the current revelations about the priest’s activities. Today, Frank wonders, “Was it all a sham? Was I just conned? Did he use me? Or is it a vendetta by those who don’t like him?”

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A slow advance

“The Episcopal Church seems to be moving forward on the arc of justice — hesitantly, but forward. We do not actually require an action to expose the tensions lying under the surface. The injustice is exposed, though it continues to fester. Some have asked that we cover it up once again.”

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