Day: May 17, 2007

To whom much is given…

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and four leaders of Protestant denominations wrote to the U. S. Congress May 10 to urge budget negotiators to preserve

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Faith and the farm bill

Beginning next week, key congressional committees will begin drafting the 2007 U.S. farm bill, according to the Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations. The bill affects every American – and most people around the world – in one way or another. US farmers and rural communities. have an important stake in the legislation, as do hungry people in our own country and people living in deadly poverty around the world.

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The Oslo Conference

Bishop John Bryson Chane of the Diocese of Washington is on his way home from the two-day Oslo Conference on Religion, Democracy and Extremism. (He’s

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New leader for VTS

The Board of Trustees of the Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) announced that Dr. Ian Markham, dean of Hartford Seminary and professor of Theology and Ethics, will become 14th dean and president of VTS succeeding the Rev. Martha J. Horne, who is retiring after 13 years service with distinction as dean and president of the Alexandria-based seminary.

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Peter Akinola, statesman

Peter Akinola, who pushed legislation in Nigeria that would have criminalized direct and indirect displays of same sex affection, in public and in private, is

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Friends in Honduras

“You are transforming the world beginning in your own place,” Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori told the people of Sangre de Toro, Honduras, an isolated

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The potato salad school of conflict resolution

The Moravian Church is struggling with the same issues that the Episcopal Church is at the moment. But the tenor of their conversation is remarkably different than ours. They simply won’t fight and insult each other in the manner in which some Episcopalians revel.

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Our partners make it big

Having a bulletin insert devoted to your ministry is about the highest accolade the Episcopal Church can provide, so we are delighted to announce that

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