Saturday Daily Office
“Weeping may spend the night,* but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30 Evening darkens, grief knocks at my door and moves in for the
“Weeping may spend the night,* but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30 Evening darkens, grief knocks at my door and moves in for the
Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, who is running for the Republican nomination for President, wrote a column in The New York Times recently defending his
The personal faith of candidates has become a very public part of the 2008 presidential campaign. Seven years after George W. Bush won the presidency in part with a direct appeal to conservative religious voters…it seems all the leading presidential candidates are discussing their religious and moral beliefs, even when they’d rather not.
Almost a decade ago, when the enormous threat to the fabric of the Anglican Communion was the consecration of a female bishop, the 1988 Lambeth Conference called for a way “to describe how the Anglican Communion makes authoritative decisions while maintaining unity and interdependence in the light of the many theological issues that arise from its diversity.” The Virginia Report….
The word “martyr,” derived from the Greek martus or “witness,” was originally applied to the first apostles as witnesses of Jesus Christ’s life and, especially, of his resurrection. Slowly it came to be associated with those Christians who had suffered hardship for their faith and eventually was limited to those who suffered death.