Mac-Iyalla speaks to Executive Council
Nigerian Anglican Davis Mac-Iyalla, founder of his country’s only gay-rights organization, Changing Attitude Nigeria, spoke with the Executive Council’s International Concerns (INC) and National Concerns
Nigerian Anglican Davis Mac-Iyalla, founder of his country’s only gay-rights organization, Changing Attitude Nigeria, spoke with the Executive Council’s International Concerns (INC) and National Concerns
The ONE Campaign’s commitment to make poverty history was stepped up June 11 when a mass media and mobilization effort to make global poverty a
Is it ethical to digitally scan a private space open to the public and then use it to make a video game or a movie without the permission of the owners? Especially when the use of those images is antithetical to the mission and values of the owners, in this case the church? And how should the church react when popular culture uses, comments or intrudes on the church’s sacred spaces?
He says little about the current role of religion in his life. “I think it’s something between me and my creator,” McCain said in an interview with McClatchy Newspapers. “It’s primarily a private issue rather than a public one. … When I’m asked about it, I’ll be glad to discuss it. I just don’t bring it up.” He says he attends the Southern Baptist North Phoenix Church because they are “strong on redemption and so am I.” McCain still identifies himself as Episcopalian.
The Episcopal Church broke new ground in Cuba yesterday by ordaining its first female bishop in the developing world at a ceremony that mixed incense with Caribbean music. The Rev. Nerva Cot said she will bring a feminine touch to leadership of her church’s small but growing congregation in communist Cuba, where religious worship was freed a decade ago.
If confession is the essential first step for healing and reconciliation, then the United States needs to confess that it was wrong to invade Iraq. Christian ethicists since St. Augustine have used Just War Theory to measure a war’s morality. Analyzing the Iraq invasion against that benchmark illuminates the invasion’s immorality.
Is poverty abysmal or blessed? One of the most famous lines in the Gospels is Jesus’ beatitude: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God” (Luke 6:20). Through the ages, Christians have been puzzled by what Jesus meant.