Day: July 21, 2007

Selective punishment

An in-depth report from Ekklesia, the progressive Christian think tank in England, asks: In the global intra-Anglican ‘wars’ about sexuality, biblical interpretation, authority and church polity, the Episcopal Church has been singled out from other Anglican provinces and subjected to harsh criticism and threats of expulsion. Why is this? Author Savitri Hensman has a few answers.

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Davis Mac-Iyalla’s American tour

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Washington, D. C. has made available a podcast of the presentation that Nigerian gay rights activist Davis Mac-Iyalla made at the church on July 3. He speaks about his efforts on behalf of gay Christians in Nigeria, and the smear campaign launched against him by Archbishop Peter Akinola.

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Poll: Muslims, Evangelicals have similar views

The Pew study – “How Muslims Compare With Other Religious Americans” – found that though Muslim Americans generally tend to be more politically liberal than white evangelical Christians, the two groups share similar conservative positions on a number of social issues, including that of homosexuality.

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Sojourner Truth

Born black and female at the end of the 18th century, Isabella Baumfree had two strikes against her—but only two. To balance the account, she stood six feet tall and had a commanding voice and personality. She used these assets to preach the gospel and for other causes as well.

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Owning your words

Sure we talk about the issues confronting the Episcopal Church, and the tensions that are arise from them. And we cover the various viewpoints presented regularly in the blog-sphere. But this site is meant primarily to be a way to support Episcopalians in their daily life of faith, and more importantly, to present the Episcopal Church honestly to people who might not know much about it.

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