Day: September 2, 2007

Political pyschology and terror

Why was there a rise in the saliance of “family values” issues in 2002 and 2004? One group of experimental psychologists think they have the answer. They have used clever experiments that suggest that that exposure to our own mortality (such as occured on September 11) will trigger a series of emotions–including a return to traditional values and distain for other cultures and races–and this can have political consequences.

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How the public resolves conflict of science and faith

A series of recent polls on the public’s view of faith and science displays a paradox: the public has immense respect for science, but rejects the views of socientists on issues like evolution. And when forced to make a choice, the public will reject science that comes into conflict with faith.

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Thinking about God and generosity

Thoughts related to God cultivate cooperative behaviour and generosity, according to University of British Columbia psychology researchers. In a study to be published in the September issue of Psychological Science journal, researchers investigated how thinking about God and notions of a higher power influenced positive social behaviour, specifically cooperation with others and generosity to strangers.

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Bp. Mwamba warns of “proxy wars”

Mwamba described the decisions by Nzimba, Archbishop of Kenya, and others to consecrate clergymen from the US, as bishops in the US, as “highly regrettable” as it violated the “ancient principle of provincial autonomy by intervening in dioceses and provinces other than their own”.

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Mother Teresa’s labors of faith

To walk into the Home of the Dying Destitutes was like walking into Auschwitz at the end of World War II. All one could see were living skeletons, hollow bodies and pain. For that reason, Mother Teresa had instructed her volunteers to look to a wall that bore a crucifix with the words “I thirst” written beside it. These words reminded us that as we ministered to the dying, we would be ministering to Christ.

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Work and prayer

If you are at your manual labor in your room and it comes time to pray, do not say: “I will use up my supply of branches or finish weaving the little basket, and then I will rise,” but rise immediately and render to God the prayer that is owed him.

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