Day: September 29, 2007

Is it okay to eat your dog?

If you dog is killed in an accident, is it okay to eat it? Jonathan Haidt, associate professor of psychology at the University of Virginia examines people’s reactions to this sort of question to explore the interplay of emotions–such as disgust–and reason in the formulation of moral standards.

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American Muslims

Der Spiegel writes: Six years after Sept. 11, 2001, America and its Muslim immigrants seem to be on surprisingly good terms. They get along, they discover common interests, and it almost seems as if America’s latest immigrants want to prove to everyone that they are the better Americans.

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Karl Barth back in US Prisons

News came this week that the ban on religious books (other than primary texts like the Bible, the Torah, or the Koran, etc…) in US Prisons has been reconsidered.

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Blessing the beasts

October 4 is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi and parishes all around the world are conducting the traditional blessing of the animals. The

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House of Bishops: The Cliffs Notes

Since all kinds of uninformed reporters in the secular media have been adding their opinions to the mix, I thought I’d throw mine in there, which may be worth all the money you’ve just paid to get to see it, and may be just as objective as your hometown newspaper. Here’s a short, slanted, and totally oversimplified summary of what the House of Bishops’ response to the Primates’ Communique says (which, for the record, is nothing new at all).

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One family

Spirit of power, we find it hard to come together in the Church,

even within a single congregation.

How shall we learn to be one family, loving and serving the whole of humankind?

Lead us into such unity of purpose that we may receive power:

not the power to threaten or destroy, but the power to restore waste places.

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