Day: September 30, 2007

Conservatives working across faith lines

There is an assumption by commentators on the right and the left that as far as religion goes, it is liberals who work–and care to work–across faith lines. Interfaith activity is understood as a politically and theologically liberal enterprise. As Mark Weiner of the Interfaith Center of New York observes, with the right approach, even conservative religious leaders can find a home in interfaith dialogue.

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Religion and ecology

There has been a great deal of attention paid to the new advocacy on environmental issues by several Evangelical leaders. As the Economist reports, environmentalists and religious groups are allies on environmental issues across the globe.

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The roar of Rumi

We continue now with our morning theme, the 13th century. Today is the birthday of the Sufi poet known as Rumi. Turkey is to celebrate Rumi’s birthday with a giant whirling dervish sama performance and the celebration will be aired live in eight different countries using 48 cameras and 300 whirling dervishes.

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Medieval life in the margins

The most recent issue of Atlantic includes a book review of Cambridge historian Eamon Duffy’s Marking the Hours, which describes how the inner life of men and women in medieval times (mostly women) is disclosed in their scratchings in the margins of “the Book of Hours—a devotional assemblage for the laity, first compiled in the 13th century.”

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Service in creating

Lord, shall we not bring these gifts to Your Service?

Shall we not bring to Your service all our powers

For life, for dignity, grace and order,

And intellectual pleasures of the senses?

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