Day: October 7, 2007

Chimps, humans and notions of fairness

Many Christian apologists–most notably C.S. Lewis (and more recently Francis Collins) have argued that our unique human innate sense of morality is itself evidence of the existence of God. Some recent experiments with chimps and twins suggests that at least one feature of this moral law–our notions of fairness–may have a biological explanation.

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Searching for God in the brain

Does religious belief have origins in neuroscience? Can we pinpoint the location of a mystical experience? Using the tools of modern neuroscience, several scientists are attempting to explore the biological origins of faith.

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Gangs and God

With books like The Cross and the Switchbade, the story of young pastors ministering to gang members became a cliche many years ago. As the Christian Century reports in its cover story this month, however, there is some very good and important ministry occurring that is focused on gang members–and not just in urban areas.

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