Day: November 3, 2007

Bring back Zeus?

Writing in the Los Angeles Times, Mary Lefkowitz suggests that it is time to bring back the Greek gods. She writes: By allowing mortals to ask hard questions, Greek theology encouraged them to learn, to seek all the possible causes of events. Philosophy — that characteristically Greek invention — had its roots in such theological inquiry. As did science.

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A lovely outing

Some umbrage has been taken at the appropriateness of Rowling’s decision to uncork this news in front of children, a brand of sanctimony for which I have no patience. Having made their way through an epic series that includes multiple murders, demonic possession, and the psychic toll of having mentally ill parents, children will, I imagine, be able to handle the bulletin that some people are gay.

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Episcopal Church is not divisible

In spite of a great deal of rhetoric and agitation to the contrary there is nothing in the history of The Episcopal Church that supports the right of a diocese or parish to secede from the Church.

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Every day diplomacy

The train is a half hour west of New Haven when the conductor reappears. She says: “Sir, in the interest of national security, we do not allow pictures to be taken of or from this train.” He starts, “I…….” but, without English, his response trails off into silence. The conductor, speaking louder, says: “Sir, I will confiscate that camera if you don’t put it away.”

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The communion of saints

The “communion of saints” is an important resource for the cultivation of Christian spirituality. A portion of the current consensus is based in a willingness to think of the “saints” in a fashion that includes and yet goes beyond the formal process of canonization.

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