Day: November 10, 2007

Religion journalism on the Web

If you follow religion news on the Web, you may already know about the Dallas Morning News’ excellent blog (although you may not know that blogger Sam Hodges is the author of the hilarious novel B-4.) Now Tom Henaghan and other Reuters reporters have launched a lively new blog called Faith World. We don’t know if Tom has written a hilarious novel, but will give him equal time if he has.

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Archbishop Ernest’s balancing act

Consider the political balancing act currently being executed by the Most Rev. Ian Ernest, primate of the province of the Indian Ocean and president of the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa. On October 30, he signed a group statement calling for the postponement of the Lambeth Conference. Then, earlier this week he chaired the meeting of the Lambeth Conference design team, which met first in Canterbury and later in London with Archbishop Rowan Willams.

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Appealing to “emerging adults”

There is a new and important stage in life in American culture, and it is not entirely clear that the Christian church understands or particularly knows what to do with it. I am talking about what scholars call “emerging adulthood.” This is the time of life between ages 18 and 30, roughly, a phase which in recent decades has morphed into quite a new experience for many.

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The homeless veteran

The reasons for homelessness among veterans are the same reasons that homelessness is widespread in this country. But like those who go before us to protect our nation and our freedoms, these vets go before us as a living sign that in the most affluent nation in the world there are far too many of us who have no place to live.

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Leo the Great

The whole body of the faithful profess that they “believe in God the Father Almighty, and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, who was born of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary.” By which three clauses the engines of almost all heretics are shattered.

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