A new generation honors Dr. King
On January 21, Washington National Cathedral and young people throughout the area will honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by asking, “What would Dr. King’s platform be for the next U.S. president?”
On January 21, Washington National Cathedral and young people throughout the area will honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by asking, “What would Dr. King’s platform be for the next U.S. president?”
Whatever we make of it, today competition dominates our ideology, shapes our cultural attitudes, and sanctifies our market economy as never before. We are living in an age that prizes competition and demeans cooperation, an era more narcissistic than the Gilded Age, more hubristic than the age of Jackson. Competition rules.
Bishop Schofield appears uncertain whether or not to claim that he is a member of the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church.
Almost three-quarters of Americans who haven’t darkened the door of a church in the last six months think it is “full of hypocrites,” and even more of them consider Christianity to be more about organized religion than about loving God and people, according to a new survey. Almost half those surveyed–44 percent–agreed that “Christians get on my nerves.”
The Los Angeles Times reports: Scientists reported Thursday that for the first time they have made human embryonic stem cells without destroying embryos, a development that the government’s top stem cell official said would make the controversial research eligible for federal funding.
Political commentators and journalists often use the phrase “moral values” to mean the issues of importance to some conservatives and members of the “Christian Right”, issues such as abortion, gay rights, same-sex marriage and stem cell research. In fact, when the public uses the phrase, only a few people are referring to these issues.
We don’t know who the magi really were, but we know who they represent: you and me. We are seekers after God too – right? And I believe that like them, you and I have been made to know by Grace where the King of Love is – and he’s in our midst. Christ is born by all who bear him – and Christ is within us as we are within him.
When God created man, in order to commend more highly the good of society, he said: “it is not good for man to be alone: let us make him a helper like unto himself.” It was from no similar, nor even from the same, material that divine Might formed this help mate, but as a clearer inspiration to charity and friendship he produced the woman from the very substance of the man.