Day: January 27, 2008

An economist takes on modern marriage

So what drives modern marriage? We believe that the answer lies in a shift from the family as a forum for shared production to shared consumption. In case the language of economic lacks romance, let’s be clearer: modern marriage is about love and companionship. Most things in life are simply better shared with another. … The key today is consumption complementarities — activities that are not only enjoyable, but are more enjoyable when shared with a spouse. We call this new model of sharing our lives “hedonic marriage.”

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New Age faith and mental health

A University of Queensland PhD thesis come to some interesting conclusions about new-age spirituality and mental health. Rosemary Aird examined a possible correlation between new forms of spirituality and mental health as part of her University of Queensland PhD studies. After surveying more than 3700 Brisbane-based 21-year-olds, she found spirituality and self-focused religions may undermine a person’s mental health.

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Hispanic evangelicals moving to the Democrats

Christianity Today is reporting that the Republican Party’s hold on Hispanic evangelical votes is slipping, and the rhetoric about immigration is a leading cause. While this vote is small, it could make the difference in several swing states.

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Following Jesus

If persons and communities follow Jesus and proclaim the kingdom of God to the poor; if they strive for liberation from every kind of slavery; if they seek, for all human beings, especially for the immense majority of men and women who are crucified persons, a life in conformity with the dignity of daughters and sons of God;

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