Communion is more than housekeeping
Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams was met with a standing ovation before he addressed the opening of the General Synod of the Church of
Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams was met with a standing ovation before he addressed the opening of the General Synod of the Church of
For Ajinbayo Akinsiku, aka Siku, Jesus is the samurai stranger come to town to shake things up. Siku is an Anglican who grew up in
A group styling itself as “Pittsburgh Laity” has written a statement signed by over 100 lay leaders of the Diocese of Pittsburgh supporting their Bishop
Last week, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams found himself at the center of controversy over a lecture and interview about the relationship between Muslim religious
In Lent we realize our limitations – both those we choose and those that confront us when our choices fail. Our limits are real, and we can grow from recognizing them.
Temptation does not usually come when we are ready for it. It does not come when we are strongest, when we are at our best. It comes when we are weak. It came to Jesus when he was hungry, very hungry. . . .