Day: February 19, 2008

Which path will we walk?

The Rt. Rev. Mauricio de Andrade, primate of Brazil reflects on the Communion, Lambeth and those threatening a boycott. Which path will we walk? Who

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GAFCON re-arranged

The pre Lambeth conference sponsored by Global Anglican Futures Conference (GAFCON) has been re-arranged in response to the Archbishop of the Middle East and the

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Is Fairtrade fair?

A panel of Fairtrade farmers, business and Church leaders will question whether Fairtrade is more a niche ethical sector, soothing the consciences of rich consumers and raising supermarket bank balances, than it is a real catalyst for change

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Not locked out of church

More news on our story from yesterday about the church that allegedly locked out members. New information now comes from the diocese about these events.

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Usury prevalent in Christian conservative states

The natural hypothesis would be to assume that given Biblical condemnation of usury there would be aggressive regulation and less demand for payday loans in these states, but ironically, the numbers show the opposite is true. It’s sad that states with a pious and honorable religious heritage now disproportionately host predatory lenders.

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Enough, already

I know all the very, very, very, very important reasons why I should care about the proposed Anglican Covenant, the upcoming Lambeth meeting, the “anti-Lambeth” gathering in the Middle East, and all the machinations, argumentations, proselytizations, and disputations surrounding all of it. Still, you know what? I’m tired of it. I’m tired of it, and I’m bored of it, and I am ready to move on. I just don’t care.

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He is Christ the Savior

When Jesus came to Jordan’s stream his Father’s will obeying,

and was baptized by John, there came a voice from heaven saying,

“This is my dear beloved Son upon whom rests my favor,”

And till God’s will is fully done he will not bend or waver,

for he is Christ the Savior.

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