Day: February 21, 2008

From sunlight to Sonlight

St. Paul’s in Walnut Creek, Calif. took an interesting route away from carbon power. The chair of the environment committee there started a business called Sonlight Solar, LLC, to provide backing to a project that would convert the church to solar power. Inspired by an October 2006 viewing of An Inconvenient Truth, parishioners found themselves searching for a way to make the solar conversion happen.

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No to disestablishment!

Andrew Brown notes with some alarm the increasing stridency of voices calling for the United Kingdom to act to fully separate the Anglican Church from the Government. Such an action would lead to an increase in intolerance and prejudice in English society he argues in a column published today.

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Schofield tells pastoral visitors to stay out

John-David Schofield has written a letter to the Rev. Canon Brian Cox and the Rev. Canon Robert Moore, warning them that they are not to meddle in the affairs of the diocese. He paints them into a rhetorical corner, saying that if the argument was San Joaquin couldn’t remove itself from the Episcopal Church, that he and the diocese are still in TEC and that the canons’ presence was intrusive–but if they had legitimately left the diocese, then they were still intruding into another province’s diocese.

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The interior desert

At times, God seems to be silent and withdrawn. Whatever intimacy and friendship with God we have known disappears, and there is only a void. It is a time when we may face severe temptation, when we may have to cling to God in faith and love, even when there seems to be no sound basis for either.

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Untangling the threads

One of the pieces of our Lenten journey is cultivating the art of discernment, listening for the voice of God in the wilderness of our hearts, trying to sense the divine will. Discernment is part of our ongoing conversion,

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