Holy Week at the monastery
The Society of St. John the Evangelist has a web site with readings, videos and resources that takes the reader along the “The Road to
The Society of St. John the Evangelist has a web site with readings, videos and resources that takes the reader along the “The Road to
Anthony Robinson of the Seattle Times expounds on the perils of believing in one’s own moral certainty.
Marking the annual Palm Sunday celebrations and the start of a week-long visit to the Holy Land, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori preached March 16
Trinity Church, Wall Street is undertaking a survey to evaluate and improve their web-site, which they call their “third sacred space.” Trinity Church and St.
The Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan, Bishop of Pittsburgh, disputes the charge that he has abandoned the Communion of the Episcopal Church and has retained an attorney to answer the charges.
The United Methodist Church’s General Board of Global Ministries is exploring a partnership with Volunteers in Medicine, a nonprofit organization that has helped to create
The brackets are set, the NCAA tournament bids are out — this year Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation invites you to add a little purpose to
The Most Rev. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury says in an interview with the Telegraph that society is ill-prepared to handle scientific breakthroughs because it
The story of the woman anointing the head of Jesus with precious ointment is yet another story of conflict. The woman is immediately despised for her action. The indignant critics condemn her for senseless waste: that stuff of hers should have been donated for the relief of the poor instead of being emptied over Jesus’ head.