Day: March 19, 2008

Whose morality comes first; the doctor’s or the patient’s?

“American religious and secular values hold that medical professionals have a responsibility to provide timely and adequate medical care and that, while an individual’s conscientious objection must be protected, it cannot be at the cost of good patient care and it cannot control or restrict the legal and moral decisions of the patient.” – The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

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Who’s afraid of schism?

“I am not afraid of schism. I am afraid of a church in which leaders voted to listen to the experience of homosexual persons, but show little evidence of having acted on that promise. I am afraid of a church in which righteousness is understood to be the enforcement of a small number of biblical texts, forgetting that in the bible righteousness is realized in the practice of justice.” – Paul Gibson

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Outspoken religious leader dies

Robert Rae Spears Jr., 89, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester from 1970 to 1984, died March 18. “Bishop Spears made the diocese a healthy and vibrant place, though somewhat divided because of his determination to stand for justice and on the side of those who need advocacy,” the current Bishop of Rochester, Jack McKelvey, said.

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The Global South’s Catechism

“[C]ommunicating Christianity well requires sensitive understanding of the particular missionary situations. Provinces are in better positions to attend to such tasks. Provinces should also make every effort to understand the social contexts of their mission. They should teach the Christian faith in creative ways…”

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We are his body

Sin, sorrow, and suffering, and death itself, were indeed taken away at the Cross, but we mortals must enter into the depths of this mystery in actual experience. The fact that the Savior bore all this for us does not mean that we bear nothing of it; rather, it means that we are invited in to that place (the Cross) where suffering is transfigured. We (the Church) are his Body, says St. Paul. As such, we share in his suffering for the life of the world.

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