Day: April 1, 2008

More about Honor Moore

Publisher’s Weekly has an interview with Honor Moore, Bishop Paul Moore’s daughter, whose recent book about her father and family has stirred controversy within the family and within the Episcopal Church and the diocese that Bishop Moore served. The article helps to put Honor’s effort into a fuller context within her own life journey.

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Faith on campus

There are plenty of anecdotal stories about hostile responses to any attempt to talk about Christian faith on today’s college campuses. There are also stories about how that sort of conversation is gratefully received by students. Which view, hostile or grateful, is right?

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Clergy protest by refusing to bless marriages

An article in the Baltimore Sun this morning reports on clergy in a number of denominations and religions who are beginning to refuse to solemnize weddings between men and women as a form of protest against what the clergy perceive as discrimination by the state in not allowing legal forms of same-gender blessings to be recognized.

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Opportunity, not Crisis

Tom Ehrich sees opportunity where others have voiced frustration when looking at the results of the recent Pew survey on Religion and Public Life. If people are seeking and moving from church to church, rather than bemoan the fact, we should be getting prepared for those who are going to be coming.

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Another report on San Joaquin convention

More information is becoming available about the special convention held over the weekend. An article published this morning highlights a quote by the Presiding Bishop that the actions taken in San Joaquin may be a model for similar situations in other parts of the church.

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Episcopalians return to Episcopal Church

A group of former Episcopalians in San Joaquin have decided to return to the Episcopal Church after leaving, along with their then congregation, to become part of the Anglican Province of the Souther Cone.

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Making decisions as a Church

We have responsibilities as members of the Body to fulfill the vocations given to us. I am an elected deputy to General Convention and therefore have a responsibility to consider what common choices and commitments are appropriate and/or necessary for this part of the Church to do the work God has given us to do as the Church (as distinct from what I am called as an individual to do).

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The gutsy one

I once heard an old piece of folklore about Mary. Imagine, this story goes, that the angel of God had been wandering the earth sine the beginning of time, asking people if they would be willing to bring God’s child into the world. Mary was not the most pure, most holy, most beautiful; she was simply the only one gutsy enough to say “yes.”

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