Day: April 9, 2008

World is ‘on course’ for halving extreme poverty

Although the world is ‘on course’ for achieving the first MDG goal of halving extreme poverty, this progress is ‘uneven’ as Sub-Saharan Africa is falling far short, the IMF/WB Global Monitoring report found. Meanwhile, the world is struggling to meet goals for reducing child and maternal mortality, primary school completion, nutrition and sanitation. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are falling especially short in these areas.

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Venables makes unauthorized visit to Brazil

Updated. ENS: The bishops of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil issued an open statement expressing their “strong repudiation” of a recent unauthorized visit by Southern Cone Archbishop Gregory Venables to Recife “where he took part in and celebrated at official occasions outside his Province without the knowledge and consent of the Archbishop of the Province of Brazil and this House of Bishops.”

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Prepare for clichéd coverage of the Pope

Writing in the New York Times, Peter Steinfels warns readers to prepare for ‘breathless’ coverage of the Pope during his US visit: “When Pope Benedict XVI arrives in the United States on April 15 there will surely be voices in the media apparently disconcerted to discover that, yes, the pope is Catholic.”

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Current unpleasantness roundup

Ohio diocese sues breakaway parishes – Cleveland Plain Dealer: the diocese remains committed to resolving the dispute in a “mutually respectful manner,” said Martha Wright,

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Spiritual leaders’ valuable vision

The Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will be in Seattle this week for a national Episcopal conference, “Healing Our Planet Earth: Singing a New Song of Hope.” Joel Connelly provides readers of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer with this background. It is positive and yet closes with a tough question.

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Assault on gay leaders in Nigeria

Over the Easter weekend 2008, gay leaders of Changing Attitude Nigeria were seriously assaulted. They, and the Director of Changing Attitude England, were also threatened with death because “they are polluting Nigeria with abomination and immorality”. The attacks were reported to the police in Nigeria, Togo and the UK.

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Bringing the ONE campaign to life

I pointed to our contractor, Mohammed, and his two assistants, Solomon and Idriss. Normally, the three men dig pit latrines. But the idea of storing water in underground cisterns, where it will stay cool and clean, instead of in 55-gallon plastic barrels or rusted metal tanks, appeals to them. Already, they are thinking of how all this clean water will change the lives of all the people who have access to it.

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Supported by the Bible

In a few days it will be Easter. That makes me very happy. But do you think that either of us by ourselves could believe or would want to believe these impossible things that are reported in the gospels, if the Bible did not support us in our belief? Simply the Word, as God’s truth, which he vouches for himself.

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