Day: April 16, 2008

Mission in a Virtual World

Mark Brown is sharing a paper on how he’s been able to do mission and evangelism work in the online world of Second Life. If you’ve ever wondered how the church needs to modify or just tweak its message to connect with people, then this paper is worth reading.

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The Pope visits the US

Pope Benedict the sixteenth began his first visit as pontiff to the United States today by landing in Washington DC and holding private talks with the President. While the visit begins with head-of-state formality, the primary focus of the trip is to meet with Roman Catholic leaders here in the states and discuss their concerns. But the items they will be focussing on are not what some seem to be expecting.

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Bishop Robinson on NPR today

Bishop Gene Robinson is interviewed on NPR’s Fresh Air program today. The interview discusses the events of his life and ministry since his election as Bishop of New Hampshire and the effects the events have had on him and his family.

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Virginia Tech anniversary

Today is the first anniversary of the Virginia Tech campus shootings that left 33 students and faculty dead and an entire community traumatized. Scott Russell, the Episcopal Campus Chaplain at the University has written a reflection on the experience.

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Abortion, embryos and what it means to be a “person”

Most of us would say that, in one way or another, some sense of personhood applies to all human life. At the same time, there are some who would say that full rights of personhood apply to all human life, and to any instance of human life. For them the important question is not whether the full rights apply, but who should be the appropriate surrogate to protect and exercise those rights.

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He speaks our name

The faith in Jesus this prayer [the Collect for Easter 4] expresses is a quality of faith we possessed as a child, wish we possessed now, and, in rare moments of spiritual vision, do possess. When in those moments we do achieve this level of faith in our Lord, we allow him to be our good shepherd.

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