Day: April 18, 2008

What to do about food?

News about the effects of sky-rocketing food prices is starting to break through to the foreground of public policy discussions. While to this point most of the conversation has focused on the cause or causes of the increase, there are people starting to suggest ways that society needs to respond.

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Bishop stops arms

An Anglican bishop in South Africa has successfully sued in court to prevent the transport of a large shipment of small arms across South Africa that were en-route to Zimbabwe. Bishop Rubin Philips acted in High Court of Durban and invoked a section of South African law to stop the shipments.

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Nigeria responds to accusations

Last week the Church of Nigeria was accused of being involved in some way on a series of assaults upon the leadership of the Changing Attitudes Nigeria organization. While some have questioned whether or not the assaults took place, today the Nigerian Church has responded by deploring any possibility that they might have been connected in any way, calling for an investigation if evidence points their way.

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No bishops singled out

Although his take makes it seem otherwise, the real news in George Conger’s story today is that the letter Rowan was supposedly writing to recalcitrants

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More Covenant criticism

Jenny Te Paa, a member of the Commission which proposed the creation of an Anglican Covenant, speaking at the conference in New York last week, has pointed out the reasons she’s changed her mind and now is concerned about its adoption. One of her concerns is that the Covenant in its present form will seek to protect male power in the Communion and diminish the voice of women.

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On unmarked deaths

I saw it again yesterday. Side by side in the Lansing State Journal’s obituary section, three separate obituaries announced that no services were planned for the departed. One said this was in accordance with the deceased’s wishes. The others were silent on the reason. Since I am in the “service industry,” as it were, I began to wonder about this.

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The gate of glory

The open gate is the choice that God is always placing before us. It is a sign of the opportunity that is ours. It is to do with our basic freedom; we can choose to go that way or to ignore it and go along another path.

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Society needs religion

The Archbishop of Canterbury has come out in defense of religion’s roll in the public sphere. While this is not terribly surprising, the argument he puts forward is that the inclusion of religious belief is critical to maintaining a pluralistic society.

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