Day: April 28, 2008

The Happy List

The Independent, a newspaper in the UK, has decided to counter the media’s obsession with the rich and famous, with a list of those who are happy because they do good.

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Wisdom of the cross

The wisdom of the cross was, then, the disclosure not only of human morality but of divine love. Placing this at the center of his description of what Christ had done by his life and his death, Peter Abelard, in a sermonic essay entitled “The Cross,” emphasized that the love of God in Christ lay beyond “our own power to share in the passion of Jesus by our suffering and to follow him by carrying our own cross.”

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Unknown Child

While gathering paperwork to get our son registered for kindergarten a few weeks ago, I came across the hospital record of his birth in San Francisco. Beneath his gender designation, length, and weight at birth was his racial designation in big-block capitals: UNKNOWN. It stopped me dead in my tracks.

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