Day: May 10, 2008

Russell recognized for contributions to LGBT community

The Rev. Susan Russell of All Saints Pasadena has been recognized by the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center with a LACE award, which honors “local lesbians and bisexual women who have distinguished themselves by making particularly significant contributions to the local LGBT community.” Russell received the award in a ceremony last weekend along with three other women, each with contributions in a specific arena; hers was the spirituality award.

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The rhythm of prayer beads

More and more people are making their own sets of prayer beads and using them to structure their prayers. An article in the Grand Rapids Press, in Michigan, examines the phenomenon by talking to some of the beading faithful, including two Grand Rapids sisters who were running a small beading business. They watched demand for the beads grow exponentially after they started their shop in 2001, possibly as a result of the events of that September. Another of the women in the article, author Kimberly Wilson, recently wrote a book about prayer beads that traces the origins of rosary prayers as well as noting the near-universality of prayer beads as traditions in other faiths.

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Jefferts Schori and Tutu address Sewanee graduates

The Most Rev. Desmond Tutu, archbishop emeritus of Cape Town, addressed University of the South’s School of Theology on Friday, and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori delivered the commencement address earlier today. Tutu talks about thanksgiving, and about being agents to fulfill God’s purpose. Calling on the graduates to heed the cries for help from those in need, he notes that our greater cause is to bring about more compassion, love and laughter in this world.

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Anglican environmental leader closes out NPR series

Last month, NPR rounded out its series on the “past, present and future of global warming,” a comprehensive look at climate change co-produced with National Geographic that ran more than 200 stories. The last installment featured an onsite interview with Martin Palmer, an Anglican priest and founder of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation.

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The Cathedral lights

The light show we alluded to last week is up and running at the National Cathedral. But this is no ordinary light show–Swiss artist Gerry Hofstetter paints the entire Cathedral facade using light. The results are stunning; the Washington Post has a gorgeous flash photo essay.

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Live the questions now

During the weeks when high school seniors make their final decisions regarding college versus whether to take a gap year or get a job, I had the opportunity to spend five days at Cornell University talking with students about their hopes, dreams and challenges, especially during freshman year. What was their greatest challenge or surprise? Could they have prepared themselves better before arriving on campus?

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Kindle fire in us

Christ has gathered the church in unity through the Spirit. With sure hope, let us pray:

Lord, hear our prayer.

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