Day: May 21, 2008

Christianity in the United Arab Emirates

Services in more than a dozen tongues – including English and Arabic, but most of them South Asian such as Urdu, Tagalog, Tamil or Malayam – fill not only the main church from 6 am to 11 pm but the 25 other halls built around a central courtyard adorned with a Canterbury cross.

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The spiritual life of Grades 3 thru 6

Recently two researchers at the University of British Columbia concluded that 6.5 to 16.5 percent of children’s happiness can be accounted for by their spirituality. They asked 315 children to describe their daily spiritual experiences by rating statements such as “I feel a higher power’s presence,” and answering questions including “How often do you pray or meditate privately outside of church or other places of worship?”

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Prayers of Alcuin

Christ, why do you allow wars and massacres on earth? By what mysterious judgement do you allow innocent people to be cruelly slaughtered? I cannot know. I can only find assurance in the promise that your people will find peace in heaven, where no one makes war. As gold is purified by fire, so you purify souls by these bodily tribulations, making them ready to be received above the stars in your heavenly home.

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