Day: July 14, 2008

Eve of the Lambeth Conference

The Guardian, UK, has several articles on the eve of the Lambeth Conference. Giles Fraser reflects on his time with Gene Robinson and Stephen Bates wonders if Archbishop Rowan Williams is the man for the job of holding the Anglican Communion together.

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Bishop Howe quits Anglican Communion Network

Saying that he wants to stay in The Episcopal Church and in full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Bishop of Central Florida, the Rt. Rev. John W. Howe has dropped his support of the Anglican Communion Network led by Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan and thrown in his lot with the Anglican Communion Institute, (ACI) a group that wants to stay and fight for change in The Episcopal Church.

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Epic life of Jesus

A Hindu woman living in India has produced a 900-page poetic epic on the life and message of Jesus following the style of Hindu classics such as Mahabharat and Ramayan – writes Anto Akkara.

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One feed to read them all

Last week, the Episcopal Cafe Lead news team put together a list of all the bishops that are blogging during Lambeth, either as part of their existing blog or as part of a blog specially assembled for Lambeth. Editor Helen Thompson, using Yahoo Pipes and Feedburner, put all the bishops with RSS feeds into one feed.

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Live: the sermon, the protester, the press, etc. Part II

Coming on the heels of the story about the gay blessing service at St. Bartholomew’s Church in London, the extravagant publicity garnered by Gene’s appearances here, makes it increasingly untenable for an English bishop to argue, as Tom Wright does, that the controversy over the morality of gay relationships is a North American concern.

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An exchange of missionaries

How do we get to know each other better, so that we can understand each other better? One answer is to go live and move and have our being with each other. To send people from each side to serve as representatives of their churches in those areas of the world where the disagreement is strongest. In other words, to send missionaries forth, not just from the Global North to the Global South, but from the Global South to the Global North as well.

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Another parable of the sower

Once upon a time a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came along and devoured them. So he put his seed pouch down and spent the next hour or so stringing aluminum foil all around his field. He put up a fake owl he ordered from a garden catalog and, as an afterthought, he hung a couple of traps for the Japanese beetles.

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