Day: July 20, 2008

Blogging bishops, update

What is on the hearts and minds of the blogging bishops during their time in Canterbury at the Lambeth Conference? Deep and not so deep thoughts are being shared across the blogosphere in these few weeks. Some are mastering technology with only a few lessons before leaving their trusty media officers. Some are still challenged. We offer a few “outtakes” found in the Feed that links many of the bishops’ offerings.

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“Voices of Witness: Africa”

“Voices of Witness: Africa”, a new film by Integrity USA with stories of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Christians in Africa, will be premiered at the Lambeth Conference. Ruth Gledhill calls it “an incredibly powerful and moving film.”

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Live: For starters

From the opening Eucharist: “There is space equally for everyone and anyone regardless of color, gender, ability or sexual orientation. If we attempt some game of uprooting the unrighteous, then my sisters and brothers, none of us will remain.”

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Tithing on the Campaign Trail

Three months ago, Tom Perriello, the Democratic challenger in Viriginia’s fifth congressional district, announced that his campaign workers would be required to spend a tenth of their time doing volunteer work. Previous campaigns have done the odd bit of community service, but this appears to be the first to make it an integral part of the enterprise, and to couch it in religious terms as a form of tithing.

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Living with weeds

Matthew may have been clear that there are only two kinds of people in the world—the wheat and the weeds—but it is a clarity that escapes most of us, we who have encountered both kinds in ourselves, and in our neighbors, and in the world. Most of our fields are full of mixed plantings, or worse.

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