Day: August 5, 2008

Gathering storm: climate change and humanitarian efforts

The world can expect to become about 0.2°C warmer per decade for the next two decades, according to several scenarios prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). Even if the concentrations of all greenhouse gases and aerosols were kept constant at the levels they were in 2000, further warming of about 0.1°C per decade would still be expected.

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Nets for Life: phase 2

When ERD realizes its original goal, to distribute 1 million nets to 15 countries by the end of September, it will set a new one: distribute 5 million nets over five years in a total of 18 countries, added Walsh, who next month will relocate operations to New York, rather than the United Kingdom.

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Development talks fail

… the United States and the European Union resisted calls to reduce the enormous subsidies that they hand out to agricultural producers. This is one of the main barriers to developing countries having a chance to trade their way out of poverty, for it funds cheaper agricultural produce against which farmers in poorer countries cannot compete.

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Muslims host common ground meeting

The Common Word project, started last October by 138 Muslim scholars, says Christianity and Islam share two common core values — love of God and love of neighbor. The group says discussions on this among experts can help defuse tensions between the faiths.

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Boomers and the future our churches

As buildings cry out for major maintenance, and the financial responsibility gets passed from one generation to the next, we “boomers” are emerging as the new elders, whether we like it or not. Raised in the counter-cultural, anti-institutional world of the 1960’s and 70’s, we now have to ask ourselves. “Do we think there should be churches for the next generation?

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Stories of unseen things

“I love to tell the story of unseen things above,

Of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love . . .”

This Sunday School song, echoing from my earliest childhood memories, suggests a question—just how do we tell the story of the unseen? So, it’s about Jesus and his glory—but how and when have we witnessed heavenly glory?

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