Vatican: thou shalt not sing the name of Yahweh
Catholic News Service: In the not-too-distant future, songs such as “You Are Near,” “I Will Bless Yahweh” and “Rise, O Yahweh” will no longer be
Catholic News Service: In the not-too-distant future, songs such as “You Are Near,” “I Will Bless Yahweh” and “Rise, O Yahweh” will no longer be
Jerry Jenkins, co-author of the apocalyptic Left Behind series, told Beliefnet that questions from concerned Christians to him about whether Sen. Obama is the antichrist have tripled in the last two weeks, during the period when the ad started running. – Steve Waldman
The standing committee has distributed to every member household in the diocese a 35-page document, “The Church in Crisis: A Resource for the Diocese of Quincy,” said to contain “reliable information on the current situation.”
What Arthur Schlesinger Jr. called “the vital center” is being slowly disenfranchised. Party “bases” become more important than their numbers justify. Passionate partisans dislike compromise and consensus. They want to demolish the other side. Whether from left or right, the danger is a tyranny of true believers. – Robert Samuelson
Certain current proposals in the Anglican Communion would tend to lead towards a ‘global Church’ model. However … according to our Preamble and Declaration, the General Synod is the chief legislative and administrative body in the Church of Ireland (BCP, p.777, Section IV). It should remain so. – Editorial in the Church of Ireland Gazette
A sufficient number Churches in the West at least will not be able to accept either centralised meddling or a Covenant that intends to discipline or produce a two-speed communion. The Global South outside of GAFCON may have all the works: Covenant, Catechism, co-ordination, and the GAFCON group can knock up its own Covenant, if it sees the need to put others on the spot, quickly. There won’t be a centralised Communion: it will balkanise.
Faith supplies charity with argument and maintenance, and charity supplies faith with life and motion; faith makes charity reasonable, and charity makes faith living and effectual. . . . For to think well, or to have a good opinion, or an excellent or a fortunate understanding, entitles us not to the love of God and the consequent inheritance;