Churches call for peace in Georgia
The World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches and World Vision have called for peace in the military conflict between Russian and Georgia.
The World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches and World Vision have called for peace in the military conflict between Russian and Georgia.
We interrupt our coverage of all things Angican to direct you to a photographic tribute to The Wire from EW.
On Sunday, The Washington Post wrote that while China was allowing Olympic athletes freedom of worship, the policy did not extend to its own citizens.
The Washington Post’s On Faith section would like us to believe that megachurch pastor Rick Warren, who is hosting a presidential debate on issues of faith, is a religious moderate. But it was Warren who wrote Time magazine’s egregious puff piece on Peter Akinola and who supported Henry Orombi’s boycott of the Lambeth Conference. Nice company.
The Rev. William Terry isn’t naive. He knows criminals won’t come running when they hear about a gun-exchange program. But Horns for Guns is about more than turning in guns. It’s about putting musical instruments into the hands of young people and teaching them to play. It’s about people coming together as a community.
Both Republican and Democratic pew-sitters need moral distance from politicians who place the moral mantel of personal purity or the social gospel or both on their shoulders.
The gunman in Knoxville, Jim Adkisson, said he was angry at the “liberal movement” and found a target for his rage in a church that has expressed its witness to God in ways some have labeled liberal.
As soon as [ESCRU’s executive director, the Rev.] John Morris learned of Daniels’s death, he made arrangements for the body to be flown back to Daniels’s home in Keene, New Hampshire, for burial. In place of a formal eulogy at the funeral service, excerpts from Daniels’s theological writings were read aloud to the mourners gathered at St. James’ Church.