Day: October 10, 2008

Whose Obsession?

Many American voters have received a copy of a DVD titled “Obsession” in the mail in the past few weeks. But there’s no clear answer to who is behind the making of the 2006 movie about radical Islam or who has paid for its distribution.

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Stewardship in difficult times

Many parishes across the country are in the middle, or getting ready to begin their yearly stewardship/pledge drive campaigns. With the DOW index hovering around 8000 this afternoon, and people watching the savings evaporate, how do we manage to think about the needs of the Church and World when we’re hurting so badly?

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CT Supreme Court rules ban on gay marriage unconstitutional

Following a similar line of reasoning of the decision earlier this year by the California Supreme Court, the Connecticut Supreme Court has issued a ruling that appears to overturn a “separate but equal” argument for civil unions and orders that same gender couple have the right to marry.

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Voices of the House

There’s a new feature on Bonnie Anderson’s webpages. It’s called “Voices of the House. Bonnie is the President of the House of Deputies (the larger and more senior portion of the Episcopal Church’s General Convention.) The Voices series has profiles of various deputies who have been elected to General Convention and who are expected to be present in Anaheim this coming summer.

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Financial crisis drives church members to seek help online

Web users looking for support during the current financial situation have boosted traffic to a Church of England website section. The Matter of Life and Debt website section, which can help visitors work out if they will be seriously affected by the credit crunch, and useful advice for those worried about debt – has seen a 71 per cent increase in traffic in recent weeks.

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The source of wealth

[The doctrine of stewardship is the] belief that the Christian holds all his worldly possessions in trust for God and for his brothers. . . . The doctrine of stewardship is unsatisfactory on two counts.

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