Day: November 25, 2008

Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on Advent

I suppose if you did one of those word association tests on ‘Advent’, the other word you’d come up with straight away would be ‘calendar’. That’s all that most people these days are really aware of where Advent is concerned. The Advent Calendar is a countdown to Christmas, and it means daily sweets and chocolates. ~Rowan Cantaur

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Southern Cone “suspension”: Sabre rattling? Trial balloon?

The penalty being considered against the Southern Cone, which has 22,000 members in Argentina and surrounding nations, includes the removal of voting rights at the forthcoming meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council, the central governing body of the Anglican Communion, in Jamaica next May

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Supporting a right to food

The conference will bring together farmer and peasant associations, food workers unions, environmentalists, urban settlers, consumer groups, development NGOs, human rights organizations, church groups, fair trade advocates, women’s groups and indigenous peoples.

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Joint Standing Committee meets at Lambeth Palace

Primates, bishops, lay people from the various regions of the Anglican Communion are meeting this week at the Anglican Communion Office and Lambeth Palace in London. The group meets on a regular basis between official gatherings of their larger meetings.

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Central Africa year end report

ANGLICAN-INFORMATION observes that this ‘end of year’ article is a little early but we have issued it now as we can see no sign of any improvement in the Central African Province or change amongst the bishops. It’s all in the hands of God but at least everyone is united in praying that the rainy season, due to start soon will be a good one otherwise the big problem will be starvation.

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Taking over the Church of England

How does your GAFCON grow? We know that in North America it is through separation and intended competition with the existing provinces. In England GAFCON grows via Evangelical organizations. Its strategy mimics that of what we know here as entryism, a tactic by which an organization encourages members to infiltrate another organization in an attempt to gain recruits, or take over entirely.

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A monk among the poor

For something short of ten years, the two priests, then constituting this small religious group, carried on the work at Holy Cross Mission Church, which afforded them an unparalleled opportunity amongst the poor and depressed.

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