Day: January 22, 2009

Worship is mission

Craig A. Satterlee says that there is no distinction between worship and mission. He says that worship ismission.

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Deposed bishop Bob Duncan’s funds frozen in Pittsburgh

Financial services firm Morgan Stanley has frozen the accounts of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh because it is unsure who should be allowed to access them. In a letter Jan. 13, the firm’s legal and compliance division said the company would not allow any further distributions until it received a court order listing those authorized to use the accounts.

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An Oscar for spiritual literacy?

To greet the announcement of Oscar nominations, the Spirituality and Practice Web site has compiled a list of the ten most spiritually literate films of 2008, a list that includes Slumdog Millionaire and Milk. Did they miss any good ones?

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50 ways to preach the Gospel

One summer afternoon in the mid-seventies, while waiting in the car for my mom to return from a errand, I reached a heightened pitch of boredom that only a 13 year-old girl can achieve. Fumbling around for something to read, I opened the glove compartment and found a pocket New Testament. That would have to do. That or the owner’s manual for a 1971 Buick Riviera.

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Thought experiment: the Diocese of Lake Malawi

What if the Diocese of Lake Malawi were a conservative American diocese rather than a relatively liberal African one? Would the Anglican Communion and the American and British media be paying more attention? People are being forced for ideological reasons to accept a bishop they didn’t elect. But no one seems to notice.

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Naked and you clothed me

Episcope has a full round-up of the mainstream media’s coverage of yesterday’s National Prayer Service. But the work of the Church isn’t all about blessings presidents and squabbling about sexual ethics. Sometimes it is about prom dresses. That’s right, prom dresses. Have a look.

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The church triumphant

Some of the basic tensions that existed in Christianity before Constantine’s conversion still remained, now recast into new contexts. Issues of cultural marginalization and internal division persisted as Christians came to terms with their increasingly prominent place in society. Whereas Christians of the second and third century had struggled to achieve intellectual and social legitimacy in the face of their non-Christian neighbors,

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