ACC’s International Anglican Women’s Network meets
The first meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council’s International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) took place last week at the Desmond Tutu Center in New York.
The first meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council’s International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) took place last week at the Desmond Tutu Center in New York.
The Archbishop of Province de l’Eglise Anglicane du Burundi, Bernard Ntahoturi, has said that his province “doesn’t want the crossing of borders” by Bishops and
Two questions have arisen in the Episcopal and Episcopal-Church-watch blogs about the bishop election in Northern Michigan. One is regarding the election process and and the other about his participation in Zen meditation practices.
The Church of Ireland Gazette believes that the Primates Meeting should remain a place of consultative fellowship and stay away from a more formal Primates Council.
If one were trying to make members of the Episcopal Church suspicious of the new “pastoral visitors” who have “named by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to assist in healing and reconciliation given the current tensions in the Anglican Communion,” here is what one would do:
It appears that the American Bible Society might have inserted itself into the Anglican family squabble by dropping the Episcopal Church from its list of denominations able to use their web-site building service called ForMinistry.
The saddest example of church architecture I have ever seen is the Dunker Church situated on the Antietam Civil War battlefield in Maryland. What saddened me was neither the damage from cannonballs nor inadvertently poor choice of location. What saddened me was that the church, structurally and in terms of its décor, was distinguishable from some mid-eighteenth century schoolhouses.
One day Chad was alone in his house with a brother whose name was Owini, his other companions having had occasion to return to the church. This Owini was a monk of great merit, who had renounced the world with the pure intention of winning a heavenly reward, so that he was altogether a fit person to receive a revelation of God’s secrets, and one whose word everyone could trust.