The “Am-against-it” church
… more than a few churches at risk of being written off as dead or dying have a hearth faintly aglow with embers ready to be breathed into flame.
… more than a few churches at risk of being written off as dead or dying have a hearth faintly aglow with embers ready to be breathed into flame.
Opening day for the Detroit Tigers falls on Good Friday. The Rev. Harry Cook, rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Clawson, MI, writes on
The 2009 Blue Book online, has a report from the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops:
It is clear, in letters between Fitzgerald and a range of bishops, among bishops themselves, and between Fitzgerald and the Vatican, that the hierarchy was aware of sexual abuse and its implications well before the problem surfaced as a national story in the mid-1980s.
The prime minister, speaking at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, set out what he saw as the four great global challenges of this generation: financial instability in a world of global capital flows, environmental degradation in a world of changing energy need, violent extremism in a world of mass communications, and a world of growing inequalities.
“Get healthy; learn to love one another,” Jefferts Schori prayed, adding that those present must make attempts to lower the level of conflict in the diocese, and she urged them to adopt a discipline to help restore broken relationships. “Look for the blessing in the person that drives you crazy.”
Church historian Mark Noll noted in America’s God that prior to the Civil War belief in the Bible’s support for the institution of slavery so thoroughly dominated American Christianity that Christian abolitionists necessarily relied on ethical arguments against slavery that were independent of scripture.
Sleep, sleep, old sun, thou canst not have repass’d,
As yet, the wound thou took’st on Friday last;
Sleep then, and rest; the world may bear thy stay;
A better sun rose before thee to-day;