Day: July 6, 2009

FOCA gets mail

Thinking Anglicans reports on letters received by the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FOCA) who are meeting to organize in the UK this week:

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The Café at General Convention: what to expect

Unlike the Lambeth Conference, the General Convention is a legislative gathering. This isn’t to say that there won’t be stories around the edges: the Archbishop of Canterbury and a number of Anglican primates are coming, and there are receptions, meet-ups and chance encounters by the dozen. Still, the big stories will likely unfold in committee rooms and on the floors of the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops

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Meanwhile in England: FoCA on the rise

Conservative Evangelicals have been a small part the Episcopal Church and the Church of England. In order to raise their power and influence they have used the idea of the Anglican Communion, but selectively: going south and then part of that south, that is within Africa for their ballast. Inventing international oversight and criticising ‘Anglican nationalism’, they have intended to start directing the Evangelical traffic their way.

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Sacramental use of money

Freedom from the idolatry of money, for a Christian, means that money becomes useful only as a sacrament—as a sign of the restoration of life wrought in this world by Christ. The sacramental use of money has little to do with supporting the church after the manner of contributing to conventional charities and even less with the self-styled stewardship that solicits funds mainly for the maintenance of ecclesiastical salaries and the housekeeping of church properties.

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