Day: July 31, 2009

Will good manners kill the C of E?

Andrew Brown says that if the Church of England Synod passes the Anglican Covenant it will mean that the CofE will split. MadPriest thinks that progressives in the CofE are not organizing to oppose the Covenant out of politeness to Archbishop of Canterbury.

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A test of faith

President Obama wants to appoint Dr. Francis Collins to be the next director of the National Institutes of Health. Collins is a physical chemist, a

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Snapping turtles

The turtles stay on the surface just long enough to snap up their sustenance before retreating to the darkness of the brackish shallows underneath the dock. After years of dropping bread to the turtles, I’ve realized that we do the same. We never stay topside in the sun for too long. We prefer the anonymity of the murk. We prefer to focus only on that bit of bread, a floating shadow above us.

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Inner compass

It was into this realization of the difference between daydreams and God dreams (as we might call them) that the gift of discernment was given to Iñigo. It was there that he discovered what we might call the “inner compass” of his heart, which was able to reveal to him which movements within him were capable of engaging his deepest vital energy

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