Day: August 15, 2009

Theology of Gaming

…games engage players by granting them agency of proceedings – they are the owners of the story rather than just a second hand hearer. I suggest that we can see this deeper connection to the events of a video game story in a similar light to previous religious and traditional commitments to old texts.

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Transgender basics

General Convention approved several resolutions on the role of transgender persons in the life of The Episcopal Church. Here is a good video from the

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Saturday collection 8/15/09

Here is our weekly collection plate of a few of the good things that Episcopalians and their congregations have done that made the news this past week. And other news fit to print.

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Prayers amidst political tension

I usually dislike having liturgy texts and hymns projected on a wall, but projected words in that Sunday’s bilingual Spanish and Basque mass felt simply welcoming. My wife and I can follow liturgy in Spanish reasonably well, but when the old priest was praying in Basque, projecting the Spanish translation of his words on the church’s old plaster wall felt like godsend.

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