Lutherans voting and twittering
UPDATE: see below The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is holding its Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis this week. The topic of interest in the media
UPDATE: see below The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is holding its Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis this week. The topic of interest in the media
Elfred Hughes, an officer of one oldest mission agencies in the Anglican Communion asserts in an interview that the challenge to the Communion at present is to “find ways of ‘being together despite – and even because of – our diversity'”.
This week the Alban Institute is featuring a resource and discussion on how clergy can effectively minister in congregations experiencing significant anxiety about their future.
Conservative activists have begun a push to change the textbook standards used in schools across the state of Texas to express their particular views of American History in a way similar to what anti-evolutionists accomplished in the ’80’s and ’90’s.
Kenneth Bacon, formerly spokesman for the Pentagon during the Clinton administration, Wall Street Journal reporter, advocate for refugees displaced by war and active member of
The steps that the Episcopal Church took in Anaheim a few of weeks ago to more fully include gay people in its life were really nothing new. They were, in a way, just the Episcopal Church being the Episcopal Church. Adapting to changing circumstances by remaining faithful to its origins; another step in an ongoing process that had begun at the beginning of its history.
Mr. Johnson was always of a serious and devout turn of mind, but averse to every appearance of enthusiasm; and he never could be thoroughly reconciled to the practice of public extempore praying and preaching, which he looked upon as the great engines of enthusiasm.