Day: September 7, 2009

Still protesting after all these years

Father Carl Kabat, one of the Catholic clergy known as the “Plowshares Eight,” continues to crusade against nuclear weapons long after the demise of the Soviet Union and as other activists have turned their attention elsewhere.

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Coakley to give Paddock lectures

The Paddock Lectures at GTS this year are to be given by The Rev. Dr. Sarah Coakley from Sepember 23 and 24th. The lectures are titled: Beyond “Sexuality”: A New Christian Theology of Desire.

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The future of Anglican conservatism is radical

Savi Hensman reflects on the future of Anglican Conservatism, which she says is becoming more radical and more tolerant of violence, especially against Muslims. She says that the habit of attributing evil to an outside group is both easy and hard to break. It is not a great leap from vilifying gays to preaching hatred against Muslims.

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Resistance in Albany

Bishop William Love will hold seven deanery meeting to talk about General Convention, his recent meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Albany Via Media will be there to ask him whether he plans to attempt to remove his diocese from the Episcopal Church.

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More than ordinary eminence

The remains of many Huguenots repose among the innumerable dead of old Trinity church-yard, that vast home of the departed; and where can be found their memorials of honor, patriotism, and exalted piety. Here lie the ashes of the Rev. Elias Neau, near its northern porch.

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