Diocese of Fort Worth’s inconclusive hearing
While the judge did make some offhand remarks in court and asked many questions, he made no other rulings.
While the judge did make some offhand remarks in court and asked many questions, he made no other rulings.
…General Convention voted to change the canons to allow for women’s ordination
Reborn in Christ is among a growing number of evangelical churches in Brazil that are finding ways to connect with younger people to swell their ranks. From fight nights to reggae music to video games and on-site tattoo parlors, the churches have helped make evangelicalism the fastest-growing spiritual movement in Brazil.
Today, even with the memory of the crisis fresh in their minds, creditors are granting big institutions more favorable treatment because they know the government is backing them, FDIC officials said. Large banks with more than $100 billion in assets are borrowing at interest rates 0.34 percentage points lower than the rest of the industry. Back in 2007, that advantage was only 0.08 percentage points, according to the FDIC.
Saddleback Church recently served up the Ahmanson Lectures on Faith & Science funded reports Pastor Rick, “thanks to the generosity of my dear friends Howard
The six African-Canadian conversations will culminate when six African bishops and five Canadian bishops meet at the Anglican Communion Office in London Feb. 2010. They will share their findings and explore how the papers can be integrated with the Anglican Communion’s listening process on human sexuality.
I’ve been timely about my annual check-ups, and this is a common cancer, caught at an early, low-grade stage, and I have the most loving, strong supportive wife and daughters; that is, I have, I think, good prospects. Still, cancer frightens me.
Archbishop Dr Peter Jensen, general secretary of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA) welcomed the news “Nicholas Okoh was present at the foundation of GAFCON and has played a leading part in the movement. Archbishop Okoh has made a significant contribution as the Chairman of the Theological Resource group.”
The Anglican Communion’s 38 provinces represent starkly different histories and structures. There are 38 dotted lines linked globally in various patterns of religious relationships, person to person, church to church, diocese to diocese, etc. Real mission flow in the twenty first century is horizontal, not vertically. Canterbury is not Rome, and all roads do not point to a favored European capital. There is no need to change that.
As I reflect on the devout conversation of this most holy man, I am ashamed of our sloth, and of the laziness of this miserable generation. Which of us, I ask, even among servants, does not more frequently utter jestings than things serious, idle things than things useful, carnal things rather than things spiritual, in common conversation and intercourse. The mouths that Divine grace consecrated for the praise of God,