Day: September 20, 2009

The name (Broderick) is familiar; the face is new

We don’t normally find ourselves passing along news of celebrations of new ministry, but Rev. Broderick’s last name is notable — she’s the sister of stage and film actor Matthew Broderick, who will be on hand Thursday to read from Genesis.

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‘A better future?’ Or just more bickering?

An English writer maintains working respect for Rowan Cantuar, but is apt to disagree with him most vigorously. She is as likely to call him down as she is to uphold him. In other words, to use a purely English metaphor, her Archbishop is not an unquestionable royal on a pleasure-cruise; he is the Prime Minister at a raucous question-session of Parliament — a man of religious preferment and, therefore, accountability.

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Sunday’s Café Social Hour

It’s been a busy week on the Café Facebook page, which has become very good about showing our posts in people’s streams. It’s interesting to note that we have almost as many fans on Facebook as we do followers on Twitter, and if we were to do a serious cull of coffeeshops that follow us because we have “Café” in our name, we’d probably reverse the ratio.

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The worshipping community and the flu

Different faith communities are thinking ahead about the upcoming flu season, particularly about how to handle the H1N1 virus amid all the tactile rituals that are associated with a worshiping community.

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As a child

Let vanity be unknown among you.

Let simplicity and harmony and a guileless attitude

weld the community together.

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