Day: October 5, 2009

Pittsburgh offers to release departed clergy

Breaking: The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh has announced that today priests who have left the Episcopal Church for a newly formed denomination can be released from their orders in the Episcopal Church for any denomination or church group of their choice.

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Chicago to discern discernment process

The Diocese of Chicago will not receive new people into the ordination process in 2010 in order to evaluate and retool their discernment process so that it is in tune with the mission needs of the diocese.

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Jenkins explores truth & reconciliation commission

Bishop Charles Jenkins flew to South Africa last week to talk with church leaders and others there about that country’s experience with its Truth and Reconciliation Commission, its role in bringing some racial healing after the fall of apartheid, and asking whether New Orleans might benefits from a similar process.

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Washing away our sins

Haiti is not a clean place … we have dirt, we have dust, we have all the pollution from cars and trucks. It’s hot, and I sweat a lot. All that combines to make my clothes pretty dirty, sometimes after just one wearing. As I pour out the now-dirty water and watch it swirl down the drain, I think of how washing the dirt from my clothes is rather like washing the dirt from my spiritual life.

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The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father: Most Holy, our Creator and Redeemer, our Savior and our Comforter.

Who art in Heaven: in the angels and the saints. Who gives them light so that they may have knowledge, because Thou, Lord, are Light. Who inflames them so that they may love, because Thou, Lord, are Love.

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