Church 3.0 ? – Empowering the whole Body of Christ
When we begin to see the clergy as THE ministers, then the members become simply passive consumers of ministry. That is not a healthy model for a Christian community.
When we begin to see the clergy as THE ministers, then the members become simply passive consumers of ministry. That is not a healthy model for a Christian community.
President Obama keeps promise to sign an expanded Hate Crimes Law.
Roman Catholic churches in Boston are urging their parishioners to stay home from mass if they are sick and they are exempt from the requirement
Russell Moore, Dean of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: I’m not offended by people disagreeing me on this. I’m just stunned by the reason they
Jesus was not afraid to talk about our relationship to money, Episcopalians notoriously are. “We do it reluctantly, apologetically, politely,” Suarez said.
Kapya Kaoma, an Anglican priest from Zambia who just completed a report for Political Research Associates on the influence of U.S. evangelicals on African gay politics calls on Rick Warren to denounce the antigay legislation proposed in Uganda and challenge his friends like Archbishop Henry Orombi and Pastor Martin Sempa who are leading the charge.
As the series has moved through the various seasons, the writers have also been courageous enough to allow the characters to be formed and changed by one another. The selfish thief begins to show leadership qualities, the recovering drug addict shows selfless love for his friends, and a diverse and eclectic group is transformed.
Mr. Hannington was just the man to be a favourite—as an Oxford undergraduate he won all hearts. He was the leader in everything, and though his heart was not yet given wholly to God, it had desires after Him, and no doubt the Spirit of God was striving with him. Thus he was kept from vicious ways—his influence was always to be found on the side of religion.