Eileen Taub imagines divine twittering back when it all began.
The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton of Maryland sees the Vatican plan to welcome disaffected Anglicans as part of a larger arc of progress and describes how he strives to work with his Roman Catholic counterparts with collegiality and respect because the door swings both ways.
This week the State Department submitted to Congress its 2009 Report on International Religious Freedom as required by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
The publication of an Apostolic Constitution outlining a process for welcoming Anglicans into the Roman Catholic Church is delayed because of controversy within the Vatican over the specifics, in particular over priestly celibacy.
Who’s gonna walk Fido after you have been assumed into the glories of Heaven?
Greg Warner of Religion News Service writes about the emotional toll that many clergy experience including depression and sometimes suicide.
The bride in a black cocktail dress with a black veil, carrying a flower bouquet adorned with miniature skulls. The groom in dark slacks, a pirate shirt and a top hat. Theme music from The Addams Family and The Munsters. Guests in costume. That’s what Lisa Panensky and Jim Nieves had in mind when they booked their Halloween 2009 wedding at Westchester County’s Old Dutch Church.
A survey of his extant works illustrates two features typical of Wyclif’s writings. First, the analytic rigor with which Wyclif approaches any problem, whether it be the nature of a mental act, a universal, a sacrament, the church, or scripture, is relentless. To readers unaccustomed to fourteenth-century philosophy, including many of the nineteenth-century editors of Wyclif’s Latin works, this seems to be academic nitpicking.