Day: February 13, 2010

The God spot in the brain?

There’s a report in New Scientist this week that neurologists may have found the location in our brains that is related to feelings of “transcendence”. Scientists have been looking for the “seat of religion” for years now, and the research just published may be the breakthrough they needed.

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Being a seminary in the 21st century

The Interim President and Dean of Seabury Western Seminary, Robert Bottoms, is asking questions about how we need to change our formation model and the resources that support it as we move into a new century of the Episcopal Church’s life in America.

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Saturday Collection 2/13/2010

Parishes and missions of the Episcopal Church have been busy this last week doing the sorts of things that are the bread and butter of congregational life. Here’s a brief survey of some of them that were mentioned in the news.

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South African bishops issue synod statement

The bishops of the Anglican Province of South Africa, meeting at the new conference suite in the Diocese of Swaziland took council with each other, discussed the difficult challenge of hermeneutics and questions of how to incorporate traditional African practices into Christianity and called for a renewed commitment to the poor and basic human rights.

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Establishing a church

Whereas, a few of our race did in the Name and fear of God, associate for the purpose of advancing our friends in a true knowledge of God, of true religion, and of the ways and means to restore our long lost race, to the dignity of men and of christians;

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