Bishop leads team to state championship
Newly elected consecrated bishop of Minnesota, Brian Prior, aka “Coach” has led the Freeman High School, Rockford, WA, Scotties basketball team to a State Championship
Newly elected consecrated bishop of Minnesota, Brian Prior, aka “Coach” has led the Freeman High School, Rockford, WA, Scotties basketball team to a State Championship
In all, 42% of Americans said that the meaning of Easter was the resurrection of Jesus or that it signifies Christ death and return to life. One out of every 50 adults (2%) said that they would describe Easter as the most important holiday of their faith.
Tweet the Exodus begins today with a link to a clip from slave trade. Follow it at Tweet the Exodus
The website offers a selection of locations, hymns, catering, all the ingredients of a wedding. And then, after the church has waved the happy couple off on their honeymoon, they hope that same couple will keep in touch and find themselves more involved with church life.
Episcopal News Service reports the Presiding Bishop has notified Oregon and Connecticut that the canonical consent processes for their Bishops-Elect have been successfully completed.
The Archbishop of Canterbury
As the Roman Catholic Church is engulfed by ‘a tide of sleaze’, the Bishop of Arundel and Brighton Kieran Conry told [Gledhill] that in countries such as Ireland, it could take generations for it to recover, if indeed it ever does.
Easter prods and provokes us with an immense stretching exercise. God has renewed a life given to the evil of this world on behalf of those with no other helper. That earth-shattering and tomb-shattering rebirth has planted the seeds of hope in each one of us. Yet those seeds do not produce fruit without struggle.
May God free me from every wickedness,
May God free me from every entrapment,
May God free me from every gully,
From every tortuous road, from every slough.