Scenes from the American religious landscape
Here are some post cards from the American religious scene.
Here are some post cards from the American religious scene.
After full consultation, and on recommendation of Bishop William H. Love of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued an order for Restoration of Ordained Ministry for the Rt. Rev. Daniel W. Herzog, resigned (retired) Bishop of Albany.
Diana Butler Bass says that without a living memory of the Church’s history, we risk falling into a kind of “spiritual alzheimers” that will impede our ability to function in the present.
When a gay artist in the Christian pop music scene comes out, it turns out that their so-called “struggle with homosexuality” is really a struggle with the church.
The Continuing Indaba Project now has a presence on the internet, with a special page on the Anglican Communion website.
Good society, in all Christian countries, is the meeting on a footing of equality, and for the purpose of mutual entertainment, of men, or women, or men and women together, of good character, good education, and good breeding. But what is the real spirit of the observances which this society requires of its frequenters for the preservation of harmony, and the easy intercourse of all of them?
Even when the Good Shepherd Gospel is not read at a funeral, the liturgy itself evokes this powerful image: “Acknowledge we humbly beseech you,” we pray, “a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming.” The bond between Christ and his own cannot be broken. Not by sin. Not by death.