Day: May 19, 2010

A visit to Tract Society HQ

He is dressed as if he were expecting us — polished shoes, pressed pants, a navy button-down all buttoned up — and he has a lot to say. He cuts Frank short before he can discuss the last readings he left. “This carpal tunnel is killing me, Franky,” he says huskily, stretching his arms and fingers out in angry defiance. “I tried to lift a two-pound weight the other day and it hurt so bad I wanted to go somewhere and croak. I’ve been disgusted with people in the world and with myself. I’m not going to lie to you Franky, I didn’t read a scripture, a Watchtower or an Awake!.”

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Assorted links

1. Human males aren’t the only species that use the it’s not safe out there deception strategy.

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Duncan explains AMiA’s fellow traveler status

TexAnglican explains Duncan’s explanation: Try as the announcement does to make this sound like good news–or at least not a very big deal–apparently a large portion of the ACNA is withdrawing from full membership and falling back to what seems to amount to a “friendly fellow traveler” status.

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Congregations as a source of emotional support

Congregations do foster sustained face-to-face interaction and for many, this leads to the development of rich, emotionally supportive connections. But that kind of bonding is influenced by how well one fits with the core imperatives of congregational life. For congregations that want to encourage emotional bonding as part of the congregational mission, it is worth understanding that it does not “come naturally,” and that some people are less likely than others to be drawn into the circle of support.

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Discerning vocation

Dunstan went to school in Glastonbury Abbey, but in 923 he joined his uncle who had been translated from the See of Wells to that of Canterbury. This brought him close to the court of King Aethelstan, and over the next few years he was to spend much time there. . . . Dunstan enjoyed the court, and responded readily to its artistic influences, learning drawing and metalwork, how to write poetry, singing and playing music.

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Who are Britain’s new Conservatives?

The Unitarians have the same problem, in that the ‘Just what do you stand for?’ question has such an acquired, long term, difficult to address, answer. Here is an answer. It is about the liberty of each individual to believe as wanted but responsibly, drawing on the resources of the different faiths and an awe for the wonder of science, and to do it in dialogue inside communities (very equalitarian congregations), and to be socially aware and active, to basically uphold the dignity of the cultural and biological human individual and all of life around.

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